
On Parents

By Anissa Ratna Putri - Februari 16, 2016

Everyone knows that parents are precious. But not everyone really understands how does it feel to appreciate their unconditional love. I used to be part of those who did not really pay much attention to how unconditional parents’ love is. I know they love me and I love them back, I do good to make them happy, that’s all. But things start to feel different since last November.

Living abroad, I meet my parents only from Skype, once every two weeks on the average. Our family has a WhatsApp group, where I chat every once in a while to keep our communication. That’s all. But last November, my parents flew all the way to Japan to visit me.

What I felt the first thing was, happy and worried. Happy because I will meet them after almost a year, and worried because probably they will have difficulties while living here in Japan since they did not stay at a hotel like they usually have. Their accommodation is far from their usual standard - it was not bad, but, not that comfortable for elders, actually. And they were also not hiring any travel agent (their only agent was me), which means they will pretty much have to do everything on their own (carrying luggage, transfer from one transportation to another, etc).

But since day 1, there was no significant complaint about their condition. Not even from my dad, the one who usually complaining about things. I knew the trip that I planned for them was tiring, even though I made the schedule as flexible as possible. I also knew that they did not really enjoy Japanese food (I always took them to tempura place, the easiest to find and the safest one to avoid meat). But still they were being grateful for everything they experienced, and although looked awfully tired, somehow they also looked really happy. 

What amazes me the most is, they flew away to Japan, yet they did not really want to go here and there. The only request from them is to see my dorm and my campus, that’s all. Other places that we visited were just like a bonus.

In front of GSGES building
At Satsuki Dormitory, where they met my bicycle, Sora
And that is where it hit me. Since I was born, my parents always try to give their best for me. Yet, in Japan, I could not do the same for them. I even think about less convenient things because I thought it will save my parents money. Then I realized it’s should not be an issue of money at all. It’s about providing the best thing that you can give to your parents, and let them decide which one they want. For example, if they were tired, I should ask whether they want to take taxi or not, and inform them the price, instead of directly taking them by bus. You see - things that common for us because we use it in our daily life does not mean will be the same comfortable for others. Especially for parents who has less stamina compared to us, the younger generation. 

When I said my parents coming, my friend once said, “Now it is time to not think about money.” 
And I understand his meaning too late.

I could never pay for what they gave to me. But from now on I promise myself that I will give my best for them. I promise I should not let logic, which sometimes too much, makes me hesitant to make my beloved parents happy. I promise, one day I will not only offering them but also give them something. So later, they do not have to feel happy but tired. They will feel happy and content - and that's where my happiness is.


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