Walking around is one of the best and the easiest thing I can do as my get away activity. I used to walk inside a mall, or walking from my campus to my dormhouse. But yesterday I decided to walking around Lembang. I don't walk to find any food or any special destination, I just walk. And sometimes stop at some places to rest.
Beside walking around Lembang, I also walk from Cihampelas to Babakan Siliwangi. I haven't visit this world city forest since they built a beautiful bridge inside it. Beside the trees and mini-river, there're also a board telling you about Bandung and Babakan Siliwangi History. A very comfortable place to calm your mind after a very hectic day in the city.
You know, if I could walk anywhere without feeling tired, I definitely will travel by foot. I just love walking. You can stop and see around, enjoy the atmosphere, find a new place, talk with new people, taking any unique transportation in the town - without have to think about things like: where do I have to park my vehicle? is there any traffic jam around there? etc. Because it's just you and your foot. And it is totally fun :)